The Incredible Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

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Everybody should have this at home. It has phenomenal healing properties. This is an incredible home remedy that I want everyone to know about. Braggs is the best brand to buy.
Apple Cider Vinegar aids in digestion, bulks stool, protects the stomach lining, prevents indigestion, reduces swelling, helps fatigue, relieves leg cramps, gets rid of bad breath, fights yeast infections, controls blood sugar, helps foot and skin fungus, increases weight loss and metabolism, lowers cholesterol, reduces swelling of hemorrhoids, rosacea, and psoriasis, relieves arthritis pain, helps wart removal.
Beauty Benefits: Hair rinse- stimulate hair growth, detoxify hair, skin toner, whitens teeth, burns, age spots, eases varicose veins, natural deodorant, helps acne, kills bacteria, and absorbs oil in the skin.