What are the Natural Treatments for Crohn's Disease?
It is thought to be an autoimmune disorder of the GI system. It causes mucus and blood in the stool. Food sensitivities can be a trigger. It can cause severe inflammation of the GI tract.Crohn's is often treated with medication in traditional medicine used to decrease inflammation. However, there are alternative treatment options that we have seen good outcomes, in our clinical experience.Recommendations & Considerations:
- Reduce inflammation: avoid trigger foods, primarily gluten. Avoid gluten for at least 90 days. We see a lot of benefits from this, as long as you stick to it and are completely gluten-free for the full 90 days. The microvilli must recover from gluten exposure. If you have gluten exposure in the middle of this, the clock resets to 90 and you'll have to start over. This may be difficult but it will be worth it.
- Reduce dairy- dairy can be highly inflammatory and cause GI sensitivity.
- IV vitamin infusion therapy: skipping the stomach heals people from the inside out. It enables to body to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients without going through the stomach.
- Insufflation: Hyper oxygenates the tissue with rectal ozone therapy and helps to heal irritated tissue in the GI tract.
- Okra Pepsin: Supplement that "lint rolls" the lower part of the GI system, and breaks down excessive mucus.
- Speed up digestion: Break down food faster with proteolytic enzymes (breaks down fats, carbs, and proteins) or Apple Cider Vinegar.
- Vitamins ADEK: Fat-soluble vitamins help heal and soothe irritated GI tissue
Typically we start to see improvement in about 90-120 days. This is a typical blood cycle. It can take up to a year for symptoms to disappear but everyone's body responds differently to the treatments.
If you or someone you know is struggling with Crohn's disease or other GI-related problems, call our clinic today to discuss the available treatment options at 208-232-3216.