Emily Beats Lyme Disease

A wonderful response to Lyme disease treatments. A walking success story.
Meet Emily, being interviewed by Shelby Stoddard (West Clinic Nurse Practitioner). Emily is a mid 20s female that started having symptoms about 3 years ago, right after a tick bite. She loves animals and is in an environment where she is exposed to ticks. Her past diagnoses were Celiac Disease, Leaky Gut, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) and Hashimoto’s (autoimmune of the thyroid.)
Her main symptoms WERE (not any more) migraines that would put her in the Emergency Room, fatigue, muscle weakness in her arms and legs, constant nausea, numbness in her arms and legs and irritability. When a patient doesn’t feel good, then they aren’t exactly happy.
Before the West Clinic, she tried antibiotics, and various prescriptions for nerves, thyroid balance, and migraines.
The West Clinic treatment protocol included:
1. IV Vitamin C and mineral therapy
2. Neural therapy (nerve reset therapy)
3. Targeted nutritional medicine (balancing blood chemistry)
4. Lifestyle changes
5. Mind/body medicine
(Keep scrolling to see Emily tell her story)
You are NOT your diagnosis. There’s hope for autoimmune and chronic infections. Please see the information about Lyme from Immunsciences laboratory.
What Happens to the Body with Lyme
Neurological involvements to Lyme Disease occurs in 10-40% of patients within several weeks to months from the bite of an infected insect. Both the peripheral and the central nervous system (CNS) can be affected, although disease of the peripheral nervous system occurs more frequently. Early neuroborreliosis (Lyme disease of the nervous system) manifests as lymphocytic meningitis (sometimes meningoencephalitis) cranial neuropathies, and peripheral radiculoneuropathies. Patients with meningitis often have headaches. Direct invasion of B. burgdorferi into the subarachnoid space with a secondary immune response is believed to be the cause of meningitis.
Bell’s palsy, due to involvement of cranial nerve VII is the most common cranial neuropathy, may be bilateral, and is often associated with other peripheral nervous system manifestations. The most common peripheral nervous system manifestation is a mild, patchy, distal sensor motor (axonal) neuropathy. Neurophysiology testing of individuals with radicular symptoms is abnormal.
Patients with acute form of neurodegenerative disease from Lyme present with depressed mental status, cognitive deficits, and multifocal abnormalities on neurologic examination. MRI scans of the brain reveal predominantly white matter lesions and cerebral fluid examination can exhibit intrathecal anti-B. burgdorferi antibody production.
In contrast, patients with slowly progressive inflammatory CNS neuroborreliosis have often been misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis and have received immunosuppressive treatment to stabilize their neurologic deficits. These patients have white matter lesions or brain MRI scans, which led to the speculation that this form of neuroborreliosis is a demyelinating disorder.
B. Burgdorferi, the Lyme disease spirochete, crosses the blood brain barrier to infect the brain by using the fibrinolytic system
Turn on the immune system and the body will heal.
Dr Jason West
West Clinic
Looking for more info on how we treat Lyme disease? Download the E-Book