I was dying; now I'm getting married! Becky’s amazing success story.

Successful patient outcome to chronic Lyme disease.
Becky thought she was dying, no energy, chronic joint pain, muscle aches, nausea and sleeping problems. A classic Lyme case.
Her heart was exhausted and she was too young for this. Past medical diagnoses included fibromyalgia, Addison’s disease, and Lyme disease. Before the West Clinic treatments she was taking cymbalta and then because her hormones were a mess, they tried birth control. She had a horrible reaction to the depo Rx shot. She had pain everywhere, hyperirritable, and zero motivation.
She was treated with high dose vitamin C – IV therapy, hormone precursor balance therapy, and specific nutritional therapy. An important treatment was neural therapy.
Becky got her health back. She got married Sept of 2018 and Dr. West was asked to attend the wedding.
You are NOT your diagnosis. There is hope for Lyme disease.
For more information on how we treat Lyme disease download this free E-book
-Dr. Jason West