Living in the Moment

Hey everyone! Do the years go faster and faster the older we get?! I swear the years just fly by in a blink of an eye!
Therefore, I like to live in the moment.
That being said I would like talk about hobbies and how having hobbies is so important. Something that I love most is snowboarding. It's wintertime here so there really isn’t much we can do because it’s so cold! This year we've been taking our 4-year-old for the first time! I hope he loves it as much as my husband and I do! It’s the best feeling when you are flying down the mountain with the cool breeze on your face and hair blowing in the wind. When I’m on the mountain I feel no stress. It’s a place for head to just let everything go and enjoy the scenery!
The next hobby of mine is RZR riding! The best times of my life are spent in my RZR. We do it most of the year I even drive it to work in the summer! My son loves to be dropped of at school while we are driving it! I love going with all our friends and going for a long rides! We see the most beautiful places that we would never see if we didn’t have one! Island Park is my favorite place to ride! It is absolutely beautiful there! Last year se saw grizzly bears, moose, deer, and a bison!
My next hobby is gymnastics. I love the exercise that comes with it! I love the trampoline exercise best! I love to see how many backflips I can do in a row! When I was in high school my mascot was a tiger, and I would do a backhand spring for ever letter in front of everyone in the gym during basketball games! My son loves it as well! He started last year! He can already do-little flips! I love that it helps with flexibility and that it’s a sport where you have to count on only yourself! My grandpa-in-law was an Olympic gymnast in Germany and he was amazing! So maybe one day my son will be doing it just like his great grandpa!
Catch ya next time friends!