No More Chronic Fatigue

A wonderful outcome with Kris feeling 100% better. She came in because of extreme tiredness, fatigue, dark circles under her eyes, and no energy. Ten treatments of Vitamin Infusion therapy and Ultra Violet Therapy have her feeling great and functioning better. Fatigue is one of the most common health care complaints for adults.
Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue
To be diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, your tiredness must be severe enough to decrease your ability to participate in ordinary activities by 50%. The fatigue often worsens with activity, but doesn’t improve with rest.
Symptoms people may experience:
- Pain areas: in the joints or muscles
- Whole body: fatigue, inability to exercise, or malaise
- Cognitive: forgetfulness or lack of concentration
- Mood: anxiety or apprehension
Also common: confusion, depression, excess sleepiness, headache, muscle weakness, sensitivity to pain, or sore throat. At The West Clinic we treat fatigue with natural treatments. For more info click treatments.
Here's how Kris got her energy back: