Randy Jones Don’t tell me I’m dead

Prepare to be inspired! Just because you were told you would be dead, doesn’t make you dead!
Brain cancer meets Randy Jones. Randy is winning! Statistically he’s not supposed to win, but someone forgot to tell Randy. His sidekick, Jackie, probably has something to with it too ????.
Almost everyone with Randy’s condition doesn’t survive very long. So he took the best of both worlds – medicine and alternative medicine and is whacking his disease. By the way, big recognition to his medical team, they are amazing too. I love it when no one cares who gets the credit, and the patient gets better. Randy did medical treatments, chemo, advanced nutrition, lifestyle, diet changes, energy medicine, IV vitamin C, and neural therapy.
You are NOT your diagnosis. There’s always hope.
This couple inspires me on every level. Love, friendship, partners, perseverance – everything you want in a relationship – they got it. Sometimes people come into your life and YOU are never the same. That’s Randy & Jackie. #Grit #cowboy tough.
My dad (deceased, but in practice 51 years) told me that sometimes you will go to work and receive a little peek into heaven and you feel blessed to be a part of something. You were right, pops. These guys have taught me a lot.
Feb 2019, Dr West, Randy, Jackie – celebrating life.