The Incredible West Clinic Team

Hey everyone, Tori here, I’m back again! I wanted to talk about my team and how much I love and care about them.
Susy: She is an amazing artist! She paints the most beautiful pictures you have ever seen! She loves to work out and be healthy! She loves spending time with her family! She just recently got married to an awesome guy and it's so fun seeing how happy she is! She’s got a laugh that will make you laugh until you cry! Shes awesome!
Cora: She loves our patients so much! She is kind and caring with every one of them. She is an amazing mom to her 2 beautiful daughters. She is always the 1st person to clinic in mornings and she gets everything up and running for us! She is awesome!
Tacia: You can hear Tacia laughing from anywhere you are in the clinic! I laugh to myself self every time she does. Our patients love her sweet and caring demeanor! She is amazing with a needle and makes the experience for patients so great! She is a great friend and an amazing mom!
Misty: She has the biggest heart of anyone I have ever met. She’s just as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. She would literally give you the shirt off her back. She works so hard all day long and then goes home and does 3 more jobs with her hubby and kids! Hardest worker I know!
Jodi: She is the best mentor on this planet. She took me under her wing my first day and has been coaching me ever since. She is the most passionate and caring person. She is so smart. She’s the best momma and grandma ever! She is the rock!
Gina: She is the best mom. She is the best friend that anyone could have. I have never seen her angry. Her soft-spoken voice is so calming and is so inviting for everyone. Her heart is as big as the moon. She would literally do anything for anyone! She will forever be one of the most important people in my life!
Mariah: She is brilliant! That girl has so much knowledge it's wild! She is a true animal lover; she has 3 dogs 2 cats! They are her babies! She loves to go on adventures with her soon to be hubby! You will always catch her saying “ya man”. She has an obsession with crystals, she has all sorts of shapes and sizes of them!
Maicie: She has a heart of gold! She is recently a new momma and homeowner! She is always laughing or smiling! She loves animals and has a mini farm at her house! She always helps out and does it with a smile.
Shelby: She is an absolute healer. She is the most calm and collected person I know. She has helped me in my life more times than I could possibly count. She has the biggest heart and truly has saved me in more ways than one. She loves being out in nature, whether that is fishing, camping, boating, snowmobiling you name it! She’s out doing it! The world is a better place because of her.
Dr Nelson: He is the absolute Mr Miyagi! He can literally fix anything! If something is broken we call Dr Nelson! One of the many things that I love about him is he is an encyclopedia of knowledge! If I ask him anything he has the answer! He also loves to be outdoors and enjoying time with his beautiful wife Vicki!
Dr J: He truly changed my whole look on life! Listening and learning from him is my favorite! He is the smartest man ever! He’s a great dad, as well as husband. He really truly lives and breathes natural medicine! It's in his DNA to be an amazing healer! The amount of knowledge he has absolutely amazes me. I can never thank him enough for the life he has given to me and my family. He is so giving and caring, this is the best place to work hands down. Im so thankful to him!