Six Ways To Avoid The Winter Blues

Hi everyone, Maicie here
I thought this month I would talk about how I avoid the winter blues. Seasonal depression is real and it affects a lot of us.
I don’t know about you, but it seems like after the holidays are over and we’ve been stuck in this cold weather for a while I start to feel the winter blues.
I absolutely love the warm weather and sunshine in the summertime. I love boating, camping, hiking, fishing and riding trails with my horses, so I really have to work to find things to do and keep myself occupied during the winter months.
ONE: So my number one thing is to find a project to work on… whether that’s learning a new skill, remodeling and redecorating a part of my house, working on a big jigsaw puzzle. It’s good to get your brain working. Last winter, I took up leather working and that really helped me focus on something other than being cooped up. This winter I’m learning how to be a mom! That’s keeping me very busy!
TWO: Get Moving- exercise makes me feel 100% better when I make time to do it. If you’re like me and don’t necessarily have time or desire to go to a gym, carve out even just a small space in your house dedicated to exercise. Some of the things I enjoy that don’t take up that much space are yoga and lifting hand weights (now I can use my baby as a weight too, and that 15lbs. gets heavy quick) When the weather does start to get halfway decent you’ll find me out for a stroll/jog soaking up the sun. You have to take advantage of those nice days. In Idaho spring, one day it’s a balmy 45 degrees and the next it’s -5 🥶
THREE: Don’t skip out on taking your vitamin D! I notice that if I take my 10,000 units of vitamin D every day in the winter, my mood stays up. I have more energy and I don’t get sick nearly as often. If you’re not taking anything else, I strongly recommend you don’t skip that Vitamin D!
FOUR: Get out and adventure- there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re stuck. This winter I’ve tried to find things that will get us out and doing things. Like going to a museum, aquarium, or bowling. Some sort of fun, out of the ordinary activity with my family. One day we took a drive to see the Ice Sculptures in Driggs. The drive was beautiful and although it was SO cold, it felt good to go on an adventure.
FIVE: Cooking! Feed yourself well during the winter. Incorporate lots of fruits and veggies and cook healthy dinners. Dr. J always says “your best source of nutrients is your knife and fork.” There’s no better way to take care of yourself and family, during the winter months, than to cook healthy and hearty meals.
SIX:Slow down and find peace. There is something more peaceful about winter. In the summer, it seems like I’ve always got something planned or something to do, trying to soak up those few months of nice weather, which makes for a very busy season. It’s nice to take some time in the winter to slow down, not stress about being somewhere all the time. Mediate, read a book, watch the snow fall, take a breath.
In the coming weeks, I challenge you to do something other than binge watch Netflix or hide under a blanket. Find a way to enjoy the rest of winter and keep in mind spring is coming soon!