IVC Therapy

Imagine this… You are running on a simple trail in the forest, hearing nature all around you, feeling the energy coursing through every muscle in your body, breathing in the fresh air. If you close your eyes, you feel as if you are invincible. Life is in balance.
Now, imagine feeling this way every day.
Curing the Incurable — Vitamin C Therapy for Infectious Diseases and Toxins
It takes much more than logic and clear-cut demonstrations to overcome the inertia and dogma of established thought. — Irwin Stone
Many physicians, clinicians and researchers demand a precise explanation for every result that they observe from a treatment or research protocol. Such total comprehension is a very desirable goal, but a lack of complete understanding should never stand in the way of using a therapy that results in the achievement of consistent and reproducible positive clinical results. A lack of understanding can never negate a positive clinical result. Only the most intellectually insecure of physicians and clinicians would withhold a treatment that clearly works, especially when the treatment clearly and demonstrably is virtually harmless as established by extensive administration worldwide for over 60 years.
Although vitamin C is an incredibly effective single therapy for many infectious diseases, there are virtually no medical treatments for any infectious disease that are not substantially improved by the addition of vitamin C.
The only absolute requirements are that vitamin C is given:
- In the right form
- With the proper technique
- In frequent enough doses
- In high enough doses
- Along with certain additional agents
- For a long enough period of time
Most physicians doggedly persist in thinking as a group rather than as individuals. This unquestioning faith in the “established” medical knowledge is so deeply ingrained that many doctors simply will not even consider reading something that comes from sources that they do not consider worthy of producing new medical concepts.
Virtually all doctors fear being ridiculed by their colleagues more than anything else. This fear, more than any other factor appears to almost completely stifle independent medical thought. A small handful of physicians may realize that some unwelcome but legitimate medical breakthroughs could reduce their income, and they may oppose those breakthroughs for that reason.
Most physicians really care about and want to help their patients. The problem that remains is how to get physicians and the complete medical truth together. Invariably, new and “radical” information simply must already be accepted by the majority of a doctor’s medical peers to have any real chance of being utilized in patient care. The ordinary physician rarely strays from what is contained in the primary textbooks, even if the current journals with which the physician should be familiar assert otherwise.
Ironically, vitamin C remains one of the most ignored substances in terms of practical application in spite of the massive amount of research that has been done and continues to be done. Maybe the answer is that vitamin C is not patentable.
Some Basic Concepts of Vitamin C by Albert Szent—Gyorgyi, MD, PhD
- He proposed that the essence of the living state is that organic molecules such as the proteins in the tissues of the body must be maintained in a state of electron desaturation. All matter has varying proportions of electrons, protons, and neutrons, but dead tissue had a full complement of electrons, while live tissue maintained a deficit of electrons.
- Vitamin C, known chemically as ascorbic acid, interacts with a wide variety of basic chemical substances in the body. Vitamin C literally appears to be one of the primary substances assuring that a vigorous continuing electron exchange takes place among the body’s tissues and molecules.
- Classically regarded as an antioxidant, vitamin C depending upon the immediate microenvironment, can also promote oxidation. In other words, vitamin C might not have an antioxidant effect when it gives electrons to oxidation promoters like iron and copper. Although the antioxidant function predominates, vitamin C clearly plays a significant role in the electron mechanics of the body.
- Energy exchange, arguably life’s most important form of cellular communication, can only occur when there is an imbalance of electrons between and among molecules. This imbalance of electrons causes the natural flow of electrons, a biological form of electricity, throughout the body. All of the body’s functions are directed, controlled and regulated by the physiological flow of electricity. This flow of electricity through the body also established and maintains the subtle magnetic fields in the body that appear to be involved with good health.
- Vitamin C, although possessing other important qualities, appears to be a most important stimulus to this flow of electricity. A greater amount of vitamin C in the body enhances the flow of electricity in the body, thereby optimizing the ability of the cells in the body to maintain their health-sustaining communications. Health exists when electrons flow fully and freely. Illness exists when the flow is significantly impaired, and death occurs when this flow stops. When the flow is impaired, there is a need for more vitamin C to help remedy this impairment.
- Vitamin C should always be a part of the treatment of virtually any disease state. Just as dehydration requires water, poor electron flow—a primary characteristic of the diseased state—requires vitamin C.
- Chronic vitamin C depletion is often one of the primary reasons that many common infectious diseases are contracted in the first place.
- Vitamin C must be directly ingested, usually in the form of supplementation as well as in the diet, to maintain adequate levels inside the cells in the tissues (versus the more commonly measured levels in the blood) throughout the body. Tissue cells contain greater concentrations of vitamin C than are found in the blood. Ingesting only enough vitamin C to maintain a given blood level is no guarantee that many of the vitamin C-rich tissue cells will have enough vitamin C available to them from the blood to reach and maintain their proper concentrations.
- High-dose I.V. vitamin C may be the only way to get adequate vitamin C to the cells and tissues initially, followed by adequate oral dosage of vitamin C. Bowel tolerance (diarrhea) dictates how much oral vitamin C that can be ingested.
- The human body does not have the ability to synthesize any vitamin C.
“I have never seen a viral infection or significant toxin exposure that has not responded to high dose I.V. vitamin C.” -Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
Acknowledgments: Frederick R. Klenner, MD, Linus Pauling, PhD, Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, PhD (Nobel Prize in Medicine, 1937 for the discovery of vitamin C, ascorbic acid).
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