Getting Energy Back
In my experience - the #1 energy sucker is PAIN. Lack of energy destroys life, vitality, motivation, stamina, and destroys the body's hormones. Pain patients are often inactive due to fear of causing their symptoms to worsen; not only does this contribute to the pain cycle, it also causes fatigue. The less the body is active, the less the muscles are used including your heart and lungs; this leads to these muscles weakening. If people don't move, then the muscles don't contract and the lymph fluid doesn't get back into circulation. People literally fill full of poison, lactic acid and pyruvate, to name a few. There's a safer pathway forward: - astaxanthin, a strong fatty acid - linolenic acid - a pro resolving mediator - Rutin factor - what makes Vitamin C more efficient - proteoloytic enzymes - acts like mini-pacman to reduce inflammation in my clinical opinion. When there are natural pain therarpies at play, it's easier to achieve and maintain energy.