
Lilly Success Story

Season #1

Imagine being sick since a little girl.  Chronic fatigue, anxiety, and feeling out of control.

Tonight's success story is about Lilly and her journey.  Told it was all in her head and given anti-depressants early, she embarked on a journey of discovery, accountability and ultimately amazing success story.

She took control of her life by committing to a schedule.  Going to bed and arising at the same time, eating consistently and projecting positivity.

In addition, she was treated with:

Lymph node drain therapy (minerals and dilute HCL)

IV vitamin C

Oxidative medicine

Medical nutritional therapy for thymus gland

You can beat your disease.  Lilly's a stellar example.

If you or someone you care about has Lyme disease, you can receive more information from Dr West's lyme disease information page.  This is a small fee course that translates into a coupon for across the country or in-office treatments.

You are NOT your diagnosis.