The West Clinic
The West Clinic was started by Arthur Alfred West (A.A. West) in Pocatello, Idaho in 1916.
In 1889, Pocatello Idaho, the Gateway to the Northwest was established. By 1905 the West family had come to Pocatello which has been their home ever since. The Wests were professional musicians who had migrated from England in the 1870’s. In 1914 Alfred Arthur West (1871-1944) left behind his wife and eight children to attend Chiropractic College in Chicago Illinois.
Alfred Arthur West
He abandoned his violin career in hopes of finding help for his chronically ill wife, Alice. The Chiropractic Profession was a young profession. When Arthur returned home in 1916 the worldwide flu epidemic had reached Pocatello. He was able to treat the flu virus successfully which built an instant practice. His son, Henry, was one of the people who contracted the flu. His father’s treatment saved his life.
Although Henry G West Sr, had completed his BA in Chemistry and was about to attend medical school, this experience became his inspiration to attend Chiropractic school instead. The clinic was opened in 1916 and continues to the present. Alfred West was followed in practice by two sons, Henry G. West Sr., and Arthur Daniel West. Both of these had sons follow them into practice. The practice separated in 1961 to the The West Chiropratic Clinic, and The West Chiropractic Center.
Henry G West Sr (1902-1975) and Henry Jr. (1933-2011), continued in practice and was joined by son, Dr Jason West in 2000 who combined West Chiropractic Center with The West Clinic. Four generations have kept the clinic open for 100 + years in Pocatello (established 1916).

Henry G. West Sr. 1951
Born in Pocatello in 1933, Henry West Jr. had always been devoted to his hometown. Aside from school, and an LDSMission, he has lived in Pocatello. There was no question of where he would practice and spend the rest of his life.
Henry Jr.
Dr. Henry Jr earned a BA in Chemistry with Minors in French and Zoology. In1961 he graduated Magna Cum Laude from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon. Upon his return to Pocatello he joined his father in practice at The West Chiropractic Clinic.
In addition to his practice, he lectured from 1967- 1992 as graduate school faculty in the field of orthopedics for Los Angeles College of Chiropractic, Western States College of Chiropractic and Texas Chiropractic College.
He has presented major papers at symposiums and conferences including Governor’s conferences and Trial Lawyers Associations on topics including: Biomechanics of the Spine; Physical Examination of the Chiropractic Patient; Overlay Technique for the Evaluation of Intersegmental Displacement for Personal Injury; Spinal Impairment Rating; Alternative Remedies for Antibiotic Resistant Infections; Organophosphate Toxicity and Synaptic Nerve Transmission; Homeopathic Remedy Considerations for Anxiety and Depression; Homeopathic Nosode Remedies for Viral Infections and at The National Institutes of Health in Bethesda Maryland on the subject of Clinical Studies of Coal Workers’ Pneumoconiosis. Dr Henry has had the honor of speaking in London England, Athens Greece, Alberta Canada, and Sydney Australia as well as 48 of the 50 states.

He has authored or co-authored articles and papers such as: Biomechanics of the Spine; Physical Examination of the Spine; Physical Examination of the Chiropractic Patient; The Power of Ultra-High Dilutions; Medical Paradigms; Alternative Remedies for Antibiotic Resistant Infections; Organophosphate Toxicity and Synaptic Nerve Transmission; Homeopathic Remedy Considerations for Anxiety and Depression; Homeopathic Nosode Remedies for Viral Infections; and Neuro-Immuno-Endocrine Considerations in Gastroenterology.
He had been a pioneer in developing procedures for the application of anti-gravity trunk casting for lumbar disc syndrome.
He was twice awarded the Chiropractor of the Year from his State Association. He served in many leadership positions, twice as President of the Idaho Association of Chiropractic Physicians, and in 1976 was President of the American Chiropractic Association. He has served on many state and National boards such as: Chiropractic Research Commission; and The Posture Committee of the American Chiropractic Association. He served on the Board of Directors of the National Chiropractic Mutual Insurance Company, and as a Trustee for the Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research. He has been a member of the Idaho State Licensing Board and has been a delegate to the American Chiropractic Association for many years.
Henry West was a legend in Alternative Medicine in addition to a very successful practice. He taught post-graduate programs for 40 years in non-surgical orthopedics, body casting for lumbar discs, blood chemistry analysis, and advanced nutrition therapy.
As much as Dr. Henry experienced great success in his practice, it was his philosophy on practicing as Chiropractic and Naturopathic physician and his view of the doctor patient relationship that has brought him success and loyalty from his patients.
He was one of 34 Idahoans to be included in “Who’s Who in America” in 1978. The Idaho State Journal also listed Myron Coulter, Frederick C. Lyon, along with Allen F. Larsen of Blackfoot and Stephen Bistline of Boise. Other Idahoans that year were Gov. John V. Evans, Pete T. Cenarrusa, Wayne L. Kidwell and Marion Callister. Henry was delighted to be included in Larry H. Miller’s book DRIVEN.
Dr. West was the commencement speaker for the Southern California University of Health Sciences graduation, in 2000, when his son, Jason was selected for the Presidential Leadership Award by the faculty, and by his peers as the Outstanding Senior Student. Dr. Henry commented, “The bottom line is honesty, integrity, and sincere service…The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accreditation…. it is the man who carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider- and progressively better able to grasp any theme or situation- persevering in what he knows to be practical, and concentrating his thought upon it, who is bound to succeed in the greatest degree… Remember this: Nec Aspera Terrent: Be Not Terrified by Adversity.” He then quoted an unknown author stating, “I believe life is a series of near misses. A lot of what we ascribe to luck is not luck at all. It’s seizing the day and accepting responsibility for your future. It’s seeing what other people don’t see and pursuing that vision.”
Dr Henry built his practice on a heritage of dedication to health and service which he firmly embraced. This dedication was handed down to him from his grandfather, Arthur Alfred West and his father, Henry G. West Sr. both of whom instilled these values in Henry as they taught him through their example. One of Dr. Henry’s great joys was the experience of working side by side with his own son, Dr. Jason West whose goal is to practice Chiropractic medicine with care and compassion for all.
When one comes to the West Clinic today, it doesn’t take long before realizing that it is a clinic unlike many others. They both have been heard to encourage their patients to give each other doses of “vitamin “H” or vitamin hope.” Many people have come to The West Clinic with chronic pain or other health issues.