
West Clinic Blog, Videos, & Special Reports

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Living With Diabetes... How I Chose Not to be my Diagnosis

"Type 1 is like being hit by lightening. It happens sometimes, and it's not anybody's fault." says S...

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What is LIPO-MIC?

Hello my friends. I hope you are finding ways to enjoy the winter months. 

Knowing me, is to unders...

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Herbs for a Healthy Immune System

Winter is the season of colds and flu. Keeping the body healthy and immune system functioning to it ...

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Man Beats Parasites, Stomach Problems, and Migraines

Dr West interviews AD at the West Clinic. After completing his treatment regimen he is feeling so

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The Water Element in Chinese Medicine

I was thinking that because we are in the winter months, the element of most concern is the water el...

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Natural Treatments for Depression

Depression is a very common disorder that should be taken very serious.

Pills and medication may be...

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What You Can Do To Be Smarter

Be Smarter And Feel Better By Eating Breakfast!

One simple trick to staying healthy and happy is to...

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Treating Just About Anything with Ozone Therapy

How to Use Ozone to Treat Almost Any Illness in Your Own Home

You may have heard me report to you o...

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Are you maintaining a healthy blood sugar level?

Let’s talk about sugar handling – not too high of sugar, which is diabetes, but something that is

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It doesn’t matter where you fit in healthcare, you’re hurting


It doesn’t matter where you fit in healthcare, you’re hurting

Patient, family member, health car...

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Eight Things That Happen To Your Brain When You Spend Time Outside

This is Dr J with your daily 5 in 5.  5 Daily health tips in 5 minutes  TODAY,  I am going to share ...

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Are You Having Any Fun?

Seems like we are always talking about health related subjects; take this, don't eat that, get more ...

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A word from Dr. Nelson...

I was thinking about all the people that come in and ask "What can I do to keep from getting Covid?"...

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Shelby WGNP

Shelby believes that finding the “WHY” to symptoms is the key to promoting optimal health. After exp...

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Betaine HCL & TMG (Why Eat Green Stuff)

This is why you should eat beets, broccoli, grains, shellfish, and spinach.  It has Betaine (anhydro...

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Do You Have High Blood Pressure?

There are approximately 35 million Americans being treated for high blood pressure with a cost from ...

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Dirty Electricity, Do We Need a Bath?

You can’t consciously feel or touch electromagnetic fields or electricity, but it’s becoming increas...

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Natural Cure for Shingles

Using our natural cure for shingles this patient reports feeling 90% better.

Pat was suffering with...

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – it’s a sub-clinical infection

Did you know that one of the most missed causes of chronic fatigue syndrome in traditional medicine ...

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How to get bones to heal . . . . . . faster

What is a bone frature?  When you break a bone, healthcare providers call it a bone fracture. This b...

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3 Tips to Help Keep You Out of the Doctor’s Office

The latin root word for doctor, docēre, means to teach, so I want to teach you 3 very important thin...

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In the Mood for Food

There is a lot of confusion about what food is good to eat. Here are the top 10 foods you should try...

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Whole Food. Whole Nutrition. Wholy Cow!

Whole food supplements are superior to synthetically made supplements. Natural is better. It’s just ...

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Guilt Free Brownies

These guilt free brownies are a favorite around my house. These delicious, chocolatey brownies are p...

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Why We Get Sick and What to Do About It

One of the biggest failures of the medical community is failing to look at the root cause of what is going on in the body.  When we get sick, experience pain, or feel unwell, it is usually an indication something is out of balance.  Are you ready to STOP the cycle?  Register below for Dr. Jason's secret steps to getting WELL!  Your new journey begins now.

Medical Disclaimer:

All of the information on this website—Dr Jason West/—is published for general in-formation and educational purposes only. Dr Jason West/ does not make any guarantees about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. This in-formation is not intended to treat or cure any medical conditions, provide medical advice, or take the place of your physician’s advice. All viewers/readers of this site and content are advised to consult a qualified health professional regarding health questions and concerns. The dietary and other substances, and/or materials, equipment, or devices discussed on this site may not have undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration or like agency of any other country. Risks that might be determined by such testing are unknown. (Click here to read the full disclaimer text.). Any action you take upon the information that you find within this content is strictly at your own risk. Neither Dr. Jason West / West Clinic Online nor any content publishers will be liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this website. All viewers should consult their physicians before starting any lifestyle, supplement, or nutrition program.