
West Clinic Blog, Videos, & Special Reports

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Six Ways To Avoid The Winter Blues

Hi everyone, Maicie hereĀ 

I thought this month I would talk about how I avoid the winter blues. Sea...

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How Do You Fill Your Bucket?

How do you fill your bucket? Do you have a morning routine?Ā 

Many people enjoy a morning coffee and...

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Beating the Bad Guys: The Candida Diet

Here's your free report on how to get rid of fungus in the body, starting with the candida diet.Ā 


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The Secret to Boosting Female Libido

In celebration of the month of love, I have some great libido boosting tips for you. In my lastĀ arti...

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Cocoa Chicken Mole

Chocolate is a great antioxidant and aphrodisiac. This delicious cocoa chicken mole recipe isnā€™t j

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Positive Thoughts= Positive Reality

Positive thoughts became my positive reality!

Hi Everyone, Susy here!

I thought Iā€™d dive into the ...

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How Pets Affect Mental Health

There is a correlation between pets and mental health.Ā 

Adding a pet to your life is a big commitme...

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Living With Diabetes... How I Chose Not to be my Diagnosis

"Type 1 is like being hit by lightening. It happens sometimes, and it's not anybody's fault." says S...

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Pain Free of Arthritis without Surgery

"How I Became Pain-Free after Continuous Arthritis Pain"

Marie was suffering from arthritis pain in...

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Balancing the Body to Help with Fertility

Jodi has a history of seizures and infertility.

She had concerns about parasites from living abroad...

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Vitamin C Chicken

Here's a fresh spin on a healthy chicken recipe.


  • 1ā„4 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1ā„2 ts
  • ...
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Showing Gratitude

Hey guys, Gina here!!

I wanted to blog about being grateful in everything that happens in life. Gra...

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What is LIPO-MIC?

Hello my friends. I hope you are finding ways to enjoy the winter months.Ā 

Knowing me, is to unders...

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Veggie Egg Scramble

This Veggie Egg Scramble is not only delicious, but it also balances your blood sugar to kickstart y...

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Herbs for a Healthy Immune System

Winter is the season of colds and flu. Keeping the body healthy and immune system functioning to it ...

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Home-cooked, Healthy & Homegrown

Hey everyone, Tori here!

I thought it would be a good time to write about food!

I absolutely love ...

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My Happy Healthy Baby

Hi everyone, Maicie here!Ā 

As most of you probably know I recently gave birth to my beautiful baby ...

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My Wonderful Family

Tacia here and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!Ā 

My favorite thing in life is my family! Family is everything to me...

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The Healing Properties of Crystals

Anyone who knows me knows I LOVE CRYSTALS!

I love learning about all the different healing properti...

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Man Beats Parasites, Stomach Problems, and Migraines

Dr West interviews AD at the West Clinic. After completing his treatment regimen he is feeling so

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What Makes Me Happy

Hello again my dear friends!Ā 

What makes me happy? Well other than my beautiful family and my amazi...

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The Water Element in Chinese Medicine

I was thinking that because we are in the winter months, the element of most concern is the water el...

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Moving into 2022

I hope everyone had a great holiday!Ā  It was nice to have a break to re-connect with family and frie...

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We Go The Extra Mile

Hey guys, I just wanted to tell you a little about some of the neat things Iā€™ve seen here in the off...

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Why We Get Sick and What to Do About It

One of the biggest failures of the medical community is failing to look at the root cause of what is going on in the body.  When we get sick, experience pain, or feel unwell, it is usually an indication something is out of balance.  Are you ready to STOP the cycle?  Register below for Dr. Jason's secret steps to getting WELL!  Your new journey begins now.

Medical Disclaimer:

All of the information on this website—Dr Jason West/—is published for general in-formation and educational purposes only. Dr Jason West/ does not make any guarantees about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of this information. This in-formation is not intended to treat or cure any medical conditions, provide medical advice, or take the place of your physician’s advice. All viewers/readers of this site and content are advised to consult a qualified health professional regarding health questions and concerns. The dietary and other substances, and/or materials, equipment, or devices discussed on this site may not have undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration or like agency of any other country. Risks that might be determined by such testing are unknown. (Click here to read the full disclaimer text.). Any action you take upon the information that you find within this content is strictly at your own risk. Neither Dr. Jason West / West Clinic Online nor any content publishers will be liable for any damages or losses in connection with the content on this website. All viewers should consult their physicians before starting any lifestyle, supplement, or nutrition program.